Friday, August 21, 2009

Democrats struggle to regain control of health care debate, clarify message

Today might as well be Black Friday for the Democratic Party, it is arguably having it's roughest time since it regained control of congress in 2006, and the White House in 2008, and less than 3 years since the former and less than one year since the latter, the prospects for uniting around a potent legislative agenda are slim.

You can scan the headlines for any number of articles and the result is going to seem clear: The Zeitgeist has turned against the ruling party in Washington and something needs to be done fast if they want to turn the ship around.

A lot can be explained in a great Politico article published last night. Unlike their predecessors in their first term, the Obama White House has not been able to seal the deal on it's trademark domestic legislation. The message has been muddled, the momentum has been lost, and the circular firing squads in Democratic circles have already begun. The civil war breaking out between the liberal and moderate wing of the Democratic Party doesn't seem to be abating soon, and even though polling numbers for the Republican Party are even lower in the basement, there are signs that their numbers among independents and crucial swing voters are starting to grow.

The President plans a much needed vacation next week and meets with his woulda-been Secretary of Health And Human Services, a leading expert on health care reform and former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle. Obama's question to him might just be: "So what do I do now?"

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