Friday, February 19, 2010

GOP surge

At the CPAC conference yesterday there was a palpable sense that maybe things are starting to go Republicans' way. In May of last year Time Magazine had a cover story about the Republican Party as an "endangered species;" just 9 months later, their fortunes have suddenly turned a complete 180 as an anti-incumbent wave has hit middle America and Democrats' inability to get anything passed has seen their poll numbers drop considerably.

Minority Leader John Boehner spent a good amount of time during his speech explaining how a "Speaker Boehner" would run the house, bold prognostications that would've been unheard of even a few months ago. A pretty nerdy breakdown of competitive House races according to Congressional Quarterly was just released and can be found HERE. Prospects don't look good for Democrats and the CW has been changing in a real way that the Democrats' 4 year hold on congress is in significant danger. With just 9 months to go before the election, they will be potentially vulnerable in a whopping 95 districts, over a third of their whole caucus, with many political strategists saying the chances are good that they could lose close to half of them.

An article today in Politico talks about President Obama's fundraising trip for Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid in Las Vegas today, and how much their fortunes are tied together. They need eachother for their political survival, and this bosom-buddies story just goes to show how desperate things have really gotten for the Democratic Party.

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