Friday, March 19, 2010

Health Care Vote Countdown

With the health care reform 'vote' set for Sunday, the media is aflurry with headcounts naming whose on Nancy Pelosi's side and whose still undecided. There are currently 64 representatives holding out, my guess would be that they aren't really undecided but are waiting to see what kind of goodies they can pick up in the final hours in exchange for their vote. And in case you're still wondering how the 'deem and pass' strategy actually works, Todd Purdum over at Vanity Fair wrote a good piece yesterday of breaking it down.

Paul Krugman wrote a great piece today reminding Americans why passing health care reform is so important. It will be interesting to see how Democrats will recover if health care reform doesn't pass. As Paul Krugman mentions in the linked piece above, this may be the final shot at health care reform for several years.

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