Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Predictions for 2010 Senate Races

Adam Nagourney of the NYTimes did a write up on an interview with democratic Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey.

Menendez predicts that the dems will have no problem picking up seats from the 5 states where sitting GOP senators will be retiring: Ohio, Florida, Missouri, Kansas, and New Hampshire.

The democrats are banking on the idea that Americans will continue to blame George W. Bush for the current state of the nation. He may still be fresh in the minds of many Americans only one month since Obama has taken office, but will they still be pointing the finger at him 18 months from now? As Nagourney mentions in his piece, Bush has kept an extemely low profile since leaving office. I imagine that GOP leaders will be highly encouraging him to remain under the radar for the entirety of Obama's first term.

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