Thursday, November 20, 2008

More cabinet positions

I think the rapid fire drumming out of cabinet positions that the Obama campaign has announced recently should actually be surprising to a lot of people in a way that I don't think has really caught on.
Historically these positions don't generally get announced until at least December, but Obama has structured the key elements of his cabinet just shy of three weeks after getting elected. Something that tells me these wheels have been in motion for a long time.
With powerful posts like Director of Homeland Security and Attorney General showing heavy speculation already and an obsessed media craving more and more insider information, it would be a miracle if the Obama-Biden transition team were able to make one independent announcement.
The famously disciplined and tight lipped Obama campaign, has now become the leaky transition team, with nearly every move receiving intense media scrutiny. Running a campaign is not as easy as running a transition team or an administration, with hundreds of staffers, lawyers, and advisors all becoming privvy to information almost as soon as it happens, and each of them on the speed dial on some of the members of the press.
Still, if it's transparency that Obama has pledged, it doesn't get more open and transparent then this.

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