Monday, January 12, 2009

Bush + Obama = <3

I'd like to comment on something I defintely would not have predicted two months ago, the Obama transition team and Bush administration have gotten along smashingly, it's all smiles and love from both camps whenever the press is involved and the cooperation between the two camps, ideologically very different, has been lauded by the press on what a textbook transition should be.
Bill Clinton seemed to have wanted to burn down the white house rather then let George W. Bush move in it seemed from what I can remember, but that was also during a highly polarizing and contentious legal war that kept the presidency in limbo for almost a month.
Even today, at Bush's last press conference he had nothing but warm praise and encouragement for Obama, who spent pretty much all of his campaign shoveling dirt on Bush's "failed" presidency, and using his name as a four letter word to equate nearly everything that is wrong with America to Bush himself; much to the chagrin of a desperate Republican Party, that was unable to make any headway in the face of Bush's dismal approval rating.
Obama seems to have turned a 180 after the election also and hasn't publicly disagreed with Bush once. The two have had 3 meetings together and announced again today they'll be continuing to work together on the remaining $350 Billion that congress approved as part of it's bailout package in September.
The two seem rather chummy also, all laughs and back touching at each of their meetings and there haven't been any press leaks about turf wars, dissension, and infighting that usually accompanies these things between either of the two camps.
So is Bush Obama's new BFF? Sleepovers at the white house? Pillow fights and spin the bottle with the white house staff?
We'll see.

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