Thursday, January 8, 2009

Obama's speech on the economy

Obama gave a speech today at George Mason University on the state of the economy (read text here). As he did during the election, Obama managed to balance a message of optimism with a more urgent message about the sad state of the economy.

In the speech, Obama basically says that he's got a plan and he's ready to take on the depression, but it's up to congress to get their act together and well, act. This speech got me thinking about the limitations of what Obama can actually achieve as president.

America may have voted in their first truly 21st century president, but considering how long many members of congress have been around, I think congress may end up ultimately weighing down the America's much needed attempt to leap into the future...

Then again, with what appears to be a growing lack of party unity in both the democratic and republican camps, some congressmen may be willing to start voting in the courageous way that they usually try to avoid.

Who knows? Stay tuned for the future...

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