Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Richardson! Blago! Burris! Oh my. . .!

Chuck Todd this morning nailed it when he said that Obama's 2008 transition, which was lauded for it's efficiency, speed, and cerebral appointments, seems different from his transition going into 2009, which has seen nothing but headaches so far.
With Roland Burris, the appointed, but not certified replacement for Obama's senate seat being blocked today from joining his colleagues in the swearing in ceremony for the 111th congress, has started a media new cycle that Obama would surely have wished to avoid.
The news stories of kumbaya and harmony that permeated the majority of Obama's coverage in November and Decemeber has given way to more and more stories of disunity within the Democratic Party, even as the 111th congress begins with overwhelming majorities for them in both houses. Something they should be celebrating under normal circumstances.
But with 3(!) senate seats right now up in the air, all of them going to be Democratic seats and shrouded in negative press, it seems hard to picture a party that's ready to tip back the champagne.
Unless Obama can effictively tamp down this turmoil within his own party, it's hard to picture him being able to find more broad cooperation from Congressional Republicans, who are most likely waiting for any emminent signs of weakness to display more throated opposition at a time when it wouldn't seem purposefully obstructionist.

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