Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Health care debate drags on, weekly news cycle goes haywire..

The congressional debate over health care has continued to drag on without any major breakthroughs this week. The lack of narrative on this story has left the door wide open for the media to speculate on the birthers movement, Joe Biden's comments on the state of Russia, Obama's comments on the Henry Louis Gates incident, Sarah Palin's resignation, and the Sonia Sotomayor hearings. It's nearing the end of the week and so far none of these story lines have stuck.

Late today, just as Henry Waxman thought he had made a deal with the outspoken Blue Dog Democrats, progressives in the House came out against the deal claiming that conservatives had highjacked the health care bill.

We'll have to see how this development plays out in the news tomorrow and possibly into next week.

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