Monday, July 13, 2009

Where's the beef, Obama??

With recent reports suggesting that America may be without a health care bill or an energy bill this summer, it will be interesting to see how much time President Obama has until the public's good will towards him starts to wear out. Since taking office almost 7 months ago, Obama has yet to make progress on many of his campaign platforms, from health care to energy, gay rights, pulling out of the war in Iraq, and closing Guantanamo Bay, I think Americans may be tapping their toes a little louder waiting for that change they can believe in to come through. At the same time, doubts are continuing to arise over the stimulus plan which may need to be supplemented by a second stimulus, and the unemployment rate continues to rise.

The president's leadership style so far has been to set the agenda and then allow congress to duke out the details, but ultimately if nothing gets accomplished it will be on Obama's head. So in the coming weeks, will Obama publicly press on congress to get healthcare and energy? What will happen if he doesn't? Will he change the subject? Get angry? Turn the page? Point the finger? He hasn't got a lot of time left before the summer recess, it will be interesting to see whether he changes his strategy.

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