Tuesday, January 5, 2010

GOP in 2010

Heading into the first week of 2010, speculation has already begun over what the mid-term elections could have in store for the GOP. Even though GOP chairman Michael Steele said in an interview this morning that he didn’t think the GOP would win back the majority in the house this year, others within the GOP are planning to use the public’s unhappiness over the health care reform debate and Obama’s sliding poll numbers as leverage to win back seats lost in 2008.

Furthermore, NYTimes columnist David Brooks predicted in an op-ed today that the tea party movement will continue to gain momentum and could have a long term influence on the republican party. He notes that there are already republicans in office clamoring to be the unofficial leader of the movement, and the tea party-ers could either give the GOP a much needed boost of passion or totally tear the party apart by alienating its’ more moderate members.

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