Wednesday, January 27, 2010

SOTU continued - gov't spending

Obama points the finger at G.W. for the national deficit, specifically mentioning the 2 wars and the prescription drug program.

What Obama wants to do to cut government spending:

-freeze government spending on domestic programs for 3 years starting in 2011 (except for military spending and senior entitlement programs.
-no tax cuts for big business and individuals making over $250K a year
-Obama announces an executive order to create a commission to reduce the deficit because congress wouldn't pass it
-reinstate the PayGo Law that restricted government spending in the past

Obama hits hard against Republicans, reminding the public that Republican ideas where what got the US into the current economic crisis over the last 8 years.

"Let's try common sense." - Obama is certainly trying to come across as fighter tonight.

Obama is going back to attacking lobbyists even though he ended up hiring lobbyists into his administration himself and also calls for earmark reform. He asks for all earmark requests to be published online before congress votes on any new bills.

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