Wednesday, January 27, 2010

SOTU continued - financial reform

Obama pledges that he will not sign a financial reform bill unless it calls for real reform.

I think Obama is using the State of the Union Address to remind the country of what he has accomplished in the past year. Even though a congressional magazine rated him the most accomplished first-year president in history, Obama still fights the perception that he hasn't accomplished anything.

Obama's assertion that climate change is real gets the first boo of the night from congress. Obama counters by pointing out that whether climate change is real or not, there is money to made in clean energy.

Obama also pledged to double the number of US exports over the next five years, calling it a "national export initiative." Hear that world? Obama wants you to buy American stuff (especially Asia).

There's a lot riding on Obama's speech tonight. I don't know what the reaction will be, in my opinion, this is not his most compelling speech.

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