Sunday, October 12, 2008

Both campaign's digging in and stickin to their strategy

So the Obama and McCain campaigns have started to lay out the startegies they think will win for them in November, Obama thinks that running with the economy is his winning strategy and the McCain campaign thinks running ads with Bill Ayers and questioning Obama's character harder than they have this whole campaign is their way to victory.
There haven't been any national polls that have come out lately that show that the Ayers issue has really sunk in with the average voter, but it's still a little soon to tell, and I would say that there's probably some tightening of the polls that will inevitably happen, since negative advertisements and negative campaigns do work.
I will be looking forward to the polling this week, as well as the message both campaigns drive. I don't think Obama will stray from the economy, since he's seen his pollin numbers soar since the economic crisis, and I doubt the McCain campaign, desperate and behind in almost all of the recent polling, will fare any better than they have already. Although The Republicans have dug up some successful October surprises in the past.

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