Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Socialism tag

The McCain campaign's last gambit in the closing week of the election has been amplifying lately with blatant attempts to label Obama as a radical socialist.
The other recent attempts to paint Obama as an out of touch radical, as with Bill Ayers and ACORN.
I don't think the Obama as a socialist label will stick though, Obama has spent a lot of time talking about tax cuts and has won over the working class consistently in most of the recent polls.
I think that the McCain campaign should've been pushing their recent message of the Democratic Party dominating all branches of government would have been a much better sale to the American people and also would've come across as less desperate and would've been able to drive home a reasonable message the American people could get behind. Americans are generally in favor of a divided party government, and almost all polls are showing another Democratic sweep of congress, and if McCain had been able to shape this message a lot earlier, I think his chances this election would be a lot stronger.

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