Monday, October 6, 2008

With friends like these. . .

The former CEO of Bank Of America Hugh McColl, just endorsed Barack Obama's economic plan and the candidate himself in an op-ed to the Charlotte Observer in the gentleman's native North Carolina.
The endorsement is warm and flattering, and Mr. McColl speaks very highly of Obama's intellect, judgment and calm demeanor during the current economic crisis.
I suppose this is good for Obama in North Carolina, which is home to the banking giant Mr. McColl was formerly in charge of. As well as many other national financial institutions, some of which are failing.
Whether anyone even notices this, Obama I think has been smart to constantly making it seem like he's always surrounding himself with smart economists like Austan Goolsbee, and potent investment sages like Warren Buffet and Jason Rubin, perhaps the multitude of "economic meetings" Obama has had as of late with his large team of economic advisors may be why voters seem to be trusting him more on the economy; and this may be another notch he can add to his belt of high power executive endorsements.
Still, it seems a little crass in the wake of a global financial meltdown, that high ranking executives and wealthy oligarchs, largely to blame for the crisis, are making such endorsements to begin with.

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