Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Democrats concede on Gunatanamo, stand behnd Pelosi

Senate Democrats delivered a setback to the White House on Guantanamo Bay, which has been a signature issue for the administration, and was one of Obama's first achievements after taking office. After dems received harsh criticism for the past 3 months by Republicans who claim that once the detention facility is closed, hundreds of dangerous terrorists will be released into every American's backyard.
Yesterday the Senate Appropriations Committee, as well as senior Senate leadership, voted to strip some $80 million in funding for the closing of the controversial detention from a $93 Billion war supplemental that glided through both houses.
Congerssional Democrats defended themselves by saying that the President left them no choice, by closing the Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility without specifying a plan as to where these detainees would go, he left them vulnerable on National Security, and passing the funding would've dropped a golden egg in the lap of Republicans, desperate to find additional issues to cling too for the 2010 midterm elections next year.
Also, despite mounting pressure from the right on Nancy Pelosi to come clean from her giant mismanagement of statements on the CIA over the past couple of weeks, her top allies in her own caucus, as well as other powerful allies in the White House have not backed down from their support.
Republican House Minority Leader John Boehner has used the flap to his own advantage and continues to beat the drum on a daily basis, calling on Pelosi to "put up or shut up" on the controversial statements she made. Shoring up support amongst his own members as well as trying to kneecap the powerful speaker when she is at her most vulnerable.

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