Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Obama nominates Sotomayor

President Obama announced Judge Sonia Sotomayor as his pick for Supreme Court justice to replace retiring Justice David Souter. If confirmed, Sotomayor will be the first hispanic supreme court justice and the third woman to serve on the bench. At this time the GOP is not anticipating to attempt a filibuster Sotomayor's confirmation because they don't have enough votes to push it through and the conservative/liberal balance of the court will remain unchanged. GOP Chair Michael Steele issued a statement today saying that the GOP intended to keep an open mind until her career as a judge has been further vetted, and for now the conservative reaction to Sotomayor's nomination has been mostly just lukewarm.

Over the next few weeks as the public gets to know more about Sotomayor, I think we should expect to see some public criticism surrounding controversial statements she made with regard to how her ethnicity and gender influence her point of view as a judge. However, I don't think anyone is expecting her confirmation to go haywire like Harriet Meyers' did a few years ago.

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