Friday, May 15, 2009

Wall to wall Pelosi

The embattled House Speaker has clogged up the news again for the third straight day this week as allegations continue to mount that she was either mislead or mislead herself over the issue of CIA intelligence briefings on Enhanced Interogation Techniques in 2002.
Whether she's telling the truth or not, it has given Republicans an opening to try and get their voice out to the American public that Democrats are back to their usual hypocritical, "soft on terror" ways, and that, coupled with the recent "outrage" over the Guantanomo Bay Detention Camp closing, they may finally have the chance to tout their favorite talking points about national security.
Pelosi was given a little bit of breathing room yesterday when a story broke that former Senator Bob Graham also claims to have been mislead by the CIA as well, claiming the briefings that they referenced, never even took place.
Regardless of what the final outcome may be, Pelosi has definitely raised the stakes on the torture debate, firing up a liberal base that still wants to prosecute top Bush-era officials, and reawakening a conservative base that wants to preserve the Bush legacy and remains convinced that his methods made America safe.
She's received only lukewarm defense from her fellow Democrats, who really want the issue to go away so they can focus on their more popular domestic legislative agenda, and already are facing a steep hill to climb.

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