Monday, May 4, 2009

You can't always get what you want. . .

. . .But sometimes, you get what you need.

A new Quinnipiac poll released today shows newly minted Democratic Senator Arlen Specter's gamble may be paying off, at least for now. Going head to head statewide against his two most formidable Republican opponents, Former Rep. Pat Toomey, and former Governor Tom Ridge, he now leads by 10 points and 3 points resepctively.
Many have speculated that Specter's flight from the Republican Party as a way to avoid a blistering primary campaign in a state that has seen huge voter defections towards democrats as well as a rightward drift in the ideology of republicans statewide.
Although it's still early, and democrats can collectively take a sigh of relief, there is an unseen variable here, and that is a challenge from the left. So far, there has been little opposition, with Philadelphia Rep. Joe Sestak putting his toes in the water but not committing either way.
With the full backing of President Obama, plus popular Governor Ed Rendell, it may be hard for anyone on the left to mount such serious opposition in the primary to the well funded Democratic establishment in the state.

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