Monday, May 11, 2009

Dick Cheney goes public

After 8 years of being known for his extreme secrecy, former vice president Dick Cheney has been making the rounds in the media over the past few weeks criticizing President Obama, defending the War On Terror, calling Colon Powell a traitor, and getting in a public snit with the CIA for not de-classifying records he intends to use for his upcoming memoir.

While I don't think anyone is surprised by the antagonistic and sometimes controversial tone of Dick Cheney's attacks, I think there are people on both sides of the aisle scratching their heads over why he's decided to make himself so public. On Sunday's Face the Nation, Cheney himself mentioned that he felt compelled to speak out on behalf of the GOP because of a perceived void in leadership. But even if there is an apparent lack of leadership, is Cheney really doing the GOP any favors by dragging his mug out on the Sunday news shows?

The White House and the democratic party couldn't be more happy to link the GOP back to the Bush White House, as Robert Gibbs did in response to Cheney's comments this morning. The GOP knows that Cheney is one of the most negatively viewed heavyweights in the party, definitely not someone they want the public to continue associating as a face of the GOP, I wonder how long GOP leaders will allow Cheney to continue to be so outspoken.

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