Sunday, December 7, 2008

Frank Rick dissents

Liberal columnist Frank Rich, a longtime cheerleader for Obama both during the primaries and in the general election becomes one of the first writers to openly criticize the potential pitfalls of Obama's new cabinet appointments could possibly have.
He discusses a book written by David Halberstam about the Kennedy administration called "Best and Brightest," a title that was meant to be taken as ironic and details how Kennedy's picks, which were highly praised by the press at the time, would lead both Kennedy and his predecessor, Lyndon Johnson, into a disastrous and prolonged conflict in Vietnam.
The article is definitely worth the read and shows how a "valedictorocracy" a term coinced by Rich's colleague David Brooks in an article we linked to earlier, could have a possibility for danger down the road.
It also shows that Obama's biggest criticisms in the future may come more from the left wing than the right.

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