Thursday, December 11, 2008

Liberals shown some love with new cabinet announcements

As has been discussed earlier in some of my blog postings it seems that the majority of Obama's criticism on the picks for his administration have come from the left-wing of his own party as opposed to traditional opposition from conservatives and Republicans.
However the liberal blogosphere was alive with the sound of music yesterday and today as two favorites of the left were announced to have key positions in the administration.
First would be former Senator Tom Daschle, who has already been leaked as the new Secretary of Health and Human Services. As a senator he was seen as a moderate but has since been leaning more left since his ousting in 2004, especially in the arena of health care reform, which he has become much more passionate about in recent years, co-authoring a book called "Critical" which came out earlier this year and that made a loud plea for health care reform and outlined ambitious plans for sweeping changes in the health care/pharmaceutical industry. Daschle, in addition to his job in the cabinet will head up the newly created "White House Office of Health Reform," a key indicator that Obama is serious about health care reform and his appointment of Daschle means it will be a top priority in his white house, probably more so than anybody on the right or left expected.
The second liberal darling that was leaked yesterday is Carol M. Browner, who will be brought into the white house as "energy czar." She is the former head of the EPA under President Clinton and takes a very aggressive posture on both climate change and alternative fuels, and is very popular with the left.
Obama is a careful calculator and knows he's going to need a lot of help on the left to enact a lot of his major plans, and these appointments are going a long way to building a coalition that can do that.

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