Monday, December 15, 2008

Obama to report Blago conversations next week

At the request of the US attorney's office, and according to a Politico article the Obama transition team will release all information regarding conversations with Most Recently Disgraced Politician and late night joke fodder Rod Blagojevich.
Last Thursday Obama said that he would make the information available "within the next few days," but according to spokesman Dan Pfeiffer, the campaign has now deferred to next week "in order not to impede [the US Attorney's office] investigation of the governor."
This deferrment will only continue to keep the story alive, will worry Democrats that the transition team will be forced off message to continue answering pressing questions from both the media and the RNC, and will give the embattled Republicans further openings to try and tarnish Obama before his inauguration, now 35 days away.

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