Thursday, December 4, 2008

GOP leadership continue Obama honeymoon

Well the inauguration is still 47 days away, but exactly one month after November's election, the GOP leadership doesn't have enough nice things to say about the way Obama is handling the transition, or about most of the appointments he's made to his cabinet.
Jonathan Martin, the prolific conservative writer for Politico, now blogless has a great read on this new development from within the echelons of senior Republican leadership. These Republicans definitely got the memo that bipartisanship is in, and people that spent days on-message throughout the campaign hurling line after line of opposition against Obama and The Democratic Party, pretty much calling him a socialist, a terrorist sympathizer, and a spineless line cutter are now trying to rebrand themselves in the spirit of a post election kumbaya.
The clock is ticking though, on if and when, the cease fire is called off and both sides return to the trenches.

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