Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Blago!

So apparently it's Rod Blagojevich's birthday today, whoops.
He's now the most recently disgraced politician, which gives Eliot Spitzer some time to maybe start speaking at universities and maybe appearing as a CNN analyst or something.
On another interesting note, and some silver lining for an embattled Republican party, the two largest Democratic states, New York and Illinois, are now being run by Lt. Governors. Signling what could be a major campaign issue for the GOP in 2010, employing the same tactics democrats used in 2006 to frame the other party as corrupt and unable to be trusted.
Also, one thing to look out for, will Republicans try and push an Obama-Blagojevich connection? And if so, how loudly will they do it and how far will they go?

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