Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Where are the jobs for women?

The NYTimes published an interesting op-ed piece asking this very question of Barack Obama's plan to create new jobs with projects to upgrade the nation's infrastructure. The vast majority of these new "green jobs" will be in the fields of construction and engineering, which are largely dominated by men.

So what's a girl to do? The piece mentions that efforts to attract women to these fields have been largely unsuccessful. This article raising a number of interesting questions, mainly, is it fair to say that there are "women's professions" and "men's professions?" Should the government be responsible for approaching job creation from this sexist view and try to create jobs in "male" and "female" professions equally? In my opinion, the answer is no. But should the government consider spreading out opportunities and implement a range of plans to generate new jobs that will effect a broader range of the job market? Absolutely, but that's not just to benefit women, it's to benefit every worker who doesn't own a hard hat or a drafting table.

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