Monday, December 1, 2008

The war cabinet

The seminal piece of post-election cabinet analysis hoopla has to be today's story by ace Politico wordsmith's Jim Vandehei and (a personal favorite) Mike Allen.
The article lays out 5 points that can be immediately extrapolated by this morning's press conference where Obama laid out the last major wing of his future White House cabinet.
The points basically are that Obama is an intellectual who cares more about academic credentials and competency than loyalty, he doesn't mind taking big risks, he prefers persuasion to force, he isn't as disdainful of Washington insiders as some of his campaign rhetoric may suggest, and he doesn't mind bending a few campaign promises to fit a political environment.
All of these points can pretty much sum up Obama in a nutshell, and are qualities that he has displayed over and over again, throughout the campaign and elsewhere. But the analysis in this article is superb.

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