Friday, December 5, 2008

Obama and Education

David Brooks wrote an interesting op-ed piece today on how Obama's choice for Secretary of Education will force Obama to pick a side on the education debate. Throughout the campaign he seemed to have one foot in the reform camp (pro-charter schools, merit pay for teachers, etc) and one foot in the old guard camp (teacher's unions, smaller class sizes, increasing funding for current programs).

There is currently a consensus that our nation's education system isn't working. The old guard will say that their ideas would work if they just had more money while reformers will say that we've got to make big changes to the current system. My bet is that Obama's heart is really on more of the reformer side, especially since there has been success with charter schools and other alternatives in his home state of Illinois. I think spent some time siding with teacher's unions during the election only because they supported him, but now that he's been elected their loyalty to him won't buy them much sway.

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