Friday, December 12, 2008

Your morning Blago

Yesterday at a press conference Obama said he was "absolutely certain" that none of his aides had been involved with deal making for his open seat.
His top aide David Axelrod walked back on comments that they had "spoken" last month.
This is a sticky moment for Obama, right now it seems the majority of the public are giving Obama the benefit of the doubt here, but it put's his transition team in an awkward place and Obama's hesitation to tackle the issue head on turned a one day story into a story that consumed much of the week, and likely next week as well, especially as a hungry media ready for news to fill the vacuous void left after the election is scrambling to be the first with new updates on the scandal.
The Washington Post gives Obama some relief here with an article detailing Obama's arm's length relationship with the embattled governor.
Politico also has a smart read about Obama's team being in damage control mode.

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