Friday, September 12, 2008

About last night... Charles Gibson interviews Sarah Palin

Charles Gibson's interview last night with Sarah Palin is getting mixed reviews. Over all, she appeared quite nervous even when giving answers that were obviously rehearsed talking points. Gibson managed to stump Palin when he asked her about whether she agreed with the Bush doctrine. When she obviously didn't know what he was referring to, he explained it to Palin.

Personally, I thought Palin came across sounding naive. Her answers to the national security questions didn't seem well thought out. Charles Gibson gave her the opportunity to clarify some of the hardline stances she proclaimed (e.g. that the US should never second guess our support of any military action carried out by Israel), but she chose not to expound on her statements.

The second half of the interview airs tonight. The responses to the interview are still rolling in.

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