Monday, September 29, 2008

Obama offers calm at rally in Colorado

From his prepared remarks, notice he doesn't mention that bill failed entirely, but that the bill encountered "bumps. . .and tribulations:"

"And today, Democrats and Republicans in Washington have a responsibility to make sure that an emergency rescue package is put forward that can at least stop the immediate problems we have so we can begin to plan for the future. As I said, this is a hard thing to do. And right now Democratic and Republican leaders have agreed but members have not yet agreed.

There are going to be some bumps and trials and tribulations and ups and down before we get this rescue package done. It is important for the American public and for the markets to say calm because things are never smooth in congress and to understand that it will get done. That we are going to make sure an emergency package is put together because it is required for us to stabilize the markets and to make sure that when a small business-person wakes up tomorrow morning, he will be able to make payroll.
We are not going to lose jobs at an even faster clip than we are doing right now. I am confident we are going to get there but it’s going to be sort of rocky. It’s sort of like flying into Denver. You know you’re going to land but it’s not always fun going over those mountains."

Nothing new or shattering, pretty much his standard boilerplate of cautionary caution on the bill's substance, but notice he doesn't mention McCain or any House Republicans by name.

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