Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bailing out the bail out

I don't think there's anything that's been written today detailing why the cabinet room talks today fell apart that doesn't automatically start a migraine while reading, so here it is in brief, to hopefully avoid that potential headache:
Bush starts the meeting and hands it over to the senior congressional leaders who defer to their party leader and nominee, who touts the conservative version of the bill, Republicans' heads explode and they feel ambushed, they defer to McCain who defers to his senior advisors, lot's of yelling, Bush tries to intervene, more yelling, Democrats claim Republicans are blocking the deal, Republicans say there never was a deal, more yelling.
The deal that was sunpposed to be a breakthrough in partisan politics caused everyone involved to basically further entrench their own party ideologies and create one of the most embarrassing partisan displays in modern politics.

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