Sunday, September 21, 2008

Both candidates being too cautious on the government bailout

Politico has a scathing story up about both candidates saying nothing in response to Scretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson's planned proposal for the US government to buy up hundreds of billions of dollars in mortgage debt in an effort to stave off a financial meltdown.
As senators and leaders of their respective parties, the candidates could easily be in Washington working with congressional leaders and government officials to either pass legislation in response to the proposal, or work to better understand and perhaps manipulate the principles of Paulson's plan.
Instead both candidates have released statements heavy on vague caution and equivocation, while both are attacking the other for doing nothing and releasing statements that are too cautious.
Silly season indeed.
True leadership is what is needed now, not caution, nuance, and "wait and see" politics.

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