Sunday, September 21, 2008

Presidential candidates vow to keep promises despite economic crisis

In separate interviews today both presidential candidates stated that they would not alter major pieces of their respective platforms in response to the current economic crisis. Barack Obama claims that in spite of the mounting national debt incurred by the recent Wall Street bailouts he would continue to pursue the implementation of a costly universal healthcare plan. To that same end John McCain said that he would seek to make the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans permanent.

Both men's decision not to alter their platforms raises questions about both candidates' readiness to lead the nation during a seriously ailing economy - especially in light of the fact that both men continue pledging to cut taxes on the middle class. The NYTimes sums these questions up nicely here.

The recent Wall Street bailouts, which both candidates initially said they opposed, should make for some interesting questions in this Friday's first presidential debate. The national focus on the economy is thought to lend a leg up to Barack Obama, we'll see how he makes the most of this advantage between now and November.

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