Friday, September 26, 2008

Debate Round-up

I'm calling tonight's debate a draw. Both candidates got their points across well. Obama missed some opportunities to criticize McCain, McCain let his sarcastic smirk come across a few too many times. McCain also condescended Obama by repeating that he doesn't understand national security issues.

David Brooks gave an interview on NPR before the debate and he said that people don't remember what the candidates say during the televised debates, they remember how they said it. The public reaction will began to form tonight in response to these debates. Was McCain too sarcastic? Was Obama not tough enough? Is McCain old hat? Is he just too old? Is Obama really going to bring change?

The VP debate is next Friday, Oct 3. Between tonight and the start of the buzz around the next debate, the public and the pundits will be hashing out these fundamental questions of performance and character.

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