Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Arlen Specter switches parties

Longtime Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter announced today that he is switching to the Democratic Party, which means that once Minnesota Senator Al Franken is finally seated, the democrats will have the much coveted 60 seat filibuster proof senate majority vote. Although Specter already said in a press conference today that he would not automatically vote with democrats along party lines, his switch could greatly help democrats in congress pass ambitious legislation on hot-button issues such as healthcare, global warming, and economic policy that are a major part of Obama's agenda. By pledging to vote independently despite the party switch, Specter is putting himself in a politically powerful position to wheel and deal in the Senate. Considering he's trying hard to hang on to his senate seat, I would assume that Specter is planning on calling in some favors a la California State Senator Abel Maldonado.

Republicans are already on the attack, with GOP Chairman Michael Steele issuing a statement basically saying that Specter was a political opportunist and not a true republican. I'm sure the mudd will continue to fly as public reaction to Specter's decision rolls in.

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