Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It's climate week on capitol hill

Congress will kick off this week with a slew of hearings on global warming, with fifty-four witnesses, including environmental rock star Al Gore, testifying on the subject. The hearings are intended to get the ball rolling in congress to pass legislation on climate change.

The climate change issue has gotten more mainstream backing than it has in the past, and a recent report linking carbon emissions with poor human health may help assist in passing future legislation. Aside from environmental groups, sportsmen and even the Catholic church have gotten behind the effort to go green and reduce carbon emissions.

With the hearings timed symbolically with Earth Day this week, there seems to be quite a departure from the congressional bickering in the past over whether global warming exists. The question still remains whether Obama will achieve the cap-and-trade system that he wants, but congress is aiming to have a climate change bill before their Memorial Day recess.

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