Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Immigration and disproportianate unemployment for people of color

Immigration comes up and Obama says he hopes to convene a working group of hispanic legislators in conjunction with Homeland Security to start working on new immigration policy hopefully this year.
Obama has largely skirted the issue publicly, and doesn't necessarily offer any news here. But seeing as how Obama rarely confronts issues he doesn't feel he can win on, it may give hope to immigration reform proponents that they have the confidence of the new president, and may bode ill for those on the right that are also girding themselves for a fight.
Obama is then asked about how he is going to approach dealing with unemployment that has hit areas with high minorities moreso than it has more rural, white areas, Obama responds by saying that a return to prosperity would mean prosperity shared by all and stresses the importance of the recovery package to help get the country back on track and bring recovery to people of all colors and promises "bottom up" economic growth.

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