Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What kind of shareholder will Obama be?

Obama's last question asks him now that he is the majority shareholder in two major housing companies, several banks, and probably 2 car companies, what does he think that his responsibility should be now that he has this responsibility.
Obama responds by saying he wants to get out, he doesn't want to run companies, he has enough to deal with running two wars but that the government was forced to intervene given the hand he was dealt and that not responding would've "decimated" the economy.
He stresses responsibility and prudence and once again says that "tough choices" are going to have to made for these companies and the troubled industries overall to recover. Jokes about his critics saying he wants to grow government and says if he had a choice he'd much rather deal with Iran and a pandemic flu then nationalizing banks and rescuing the auto industry.
Overall a very wide ranging news conference that caps Obama's 100 days well, Obama was in charge of the issues and kept a sober, slow pace.
The Washington Post will be miffed though, they still didn't get a question. Aw schucks.

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