Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Obama's First 100 Days - Wrap Up

Obama's 100 day mark was somewhat overshadowed as the media went rabid over swine flu, but he still managed to get in a major primetime conference. For the past week or so commentary on Obama's first 100 days in office have been generally positive, he's still polling high nationwide, and he managed to get the sweetest anniversary gift ever - the 60 seat senate majority.

Perhaps most importantly, Americans seem to understand that Obama's got a lot on his plate. With so many problems looming (2 wars, a major economic depression, a financial crisis, a collapsing auto industry, major healthcare reform, finding energy alternatives, a global pandemic (!), and pirate attacks (wtf?)), Obama needs the public to continue to place their confidence in him and it looks like they are.

So what's in for Obama's next 100 days? Will he make enough progress to keep Americans' faith in him going? Will he still be polling high on Day 200? We'll be watching. We'll let you know..

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