Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Surprised, troubled, enchanted, humbled

The New York Times finally get's a question (for those that have been following these press conferences, there were some conclusions drawn that major newspapers were being shut out of the process)
Jeff Zeleny asks what has surprised, troubled, enchanted, and humbled the president. (Which Obama has to write down to laughs.)
He says he was surprised by how bad things got from when he first started running, but also how good his staff is. He's troubled by how slowly change comes to Washington. He's enchanted by how profoundly good our nations troops are (he admits enchanted wasn't the right word) and he's humbled by how powerful the president is, but also how restrained the job can be and how much responsibility there is that comes with the office. Also gives a shout out to the American people and how he's "humbled" by their patience.

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