Sunday, April 19, 2009

NYTimes takes a note from Maureen Dowd, tells Barry O. to buck up..

After just 3 months in office, President Obama has created waves on both the right and left. While the right has been crying about getting steamrolled by the democratic majority in congress, critics on the left have countered with the claim that Obama hasn't championed liberal positions enough. The NYTimes took that position in an article from yesterday, which criticized the president on taking a soft stance on his campaign positions and for potentially being too timid to take a hard line on certain difficult issues, with healthcare reform being the primary example.

Obama has always been quick to call himself a pragmatist, and contrary to the negative connotation of the word implied in the NYTimes article, I think he might be one step ahead of his critics. Let's not forget how unsuccessful Bill Clinton was by taking a hard line stance on healthcare reform in the '90's or how well George Bush succeeded with many of the hard line stances he took.

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