Thursday, April 2, 2009

G20 Summit Wraps Up

While headlines started out wary earlier this week over whether President Obama would still be embraced by europeans, he left London seemingly more popular than ever - even in spite of bestowing Queen Elizabeth with an i-pod.

Ill-chosen gifts aside, Obama came away from London with a few international kudos in tow. The president met with President Medvedev of Russia to discuss scaling down nuclear weapons and a plan to join forces to keep Iran in check. Obama also promised China's president he would visit China later this year, which is interesting in light of the fact that China just announced that it will strive to become the world leader in manufacturing electric cars in the next 3 years. And as if being the belle of the ball wasn't enough, the Prime Minister of India asked Obama for his autograph.

The big take away from the G-20 Summit was a resolution to inject $750 billion into the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The Summit also concluded with the G20 taking a hard line against tax havens and a call to keep global free trade going. One other interesting point: after Obama called on other nation's to inject money into their economies, not a single nation at the G20 Summit pledged to do so. I guess even the most popular guy in the world can't get everything he wants..

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