Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Obama vs the auto industry vs the media

The media seems to be holding a collective breath over President Obama's decision to bail out the auto industry. From being proclaimed the Salesman-In-Chief to CEO-in-Chief, many opinions are swirling around whether it was a good decision to oust GM's CEO, whether he was serious in about the ultimatum he gave car giants GM and Chrysler to "restructure or die," and whether there's a double-standard in the federal government's treatment of the big autos versus big finance.

It will be interesting to see how it all turns out. David Brook's wrote about the political implications of the auto bail-out and brought up some very good points, including whether Obama would really put that many mid-western swing states in political peril by letting their economies fall out if the auto industry goes under. I am also inclined to call Obama's bluff on his vow to let the auto industry go down in flames if they can't get their act together, but we shall see!

Stay tuned...

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