Thursday, March 12, 2009

Bill O'Rielly must be so upset. . .

OMG!! Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston broke off their engagement!!
2 1/2 months after the baby was born too, alright.
Many people will remember that this was one of the undercurrent stories of last summer, right before the Republican National Convention when Sarah Palin was announced as John McCain's running mate. Liberals demonized the pregnancy as evidence that absitenence only sex-education, which was touted by Palin as governor, doesn't work. Conservatives meanwhile, applauded the young couples' pending engagement and upcoming shotgun wedding as the couple taking responsibility for themselves and their situation, and also spoke highly of their decision not to have an abortion.
Well here we are 8 months later and the couple, which is now obvious was forced to stay together for political reasons, are on the skids. So sad.
I just can't wait for People Magazines scoop on this one.

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