Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hey, it's Eliot Spitzer!

Disgraced former New York governor Eliot Spitzer wrote an excellent piece today for Slate magazine about how AIG is using bail-out money to pay back it's counterparties in full to the tune of billions of taxpayer dollars all the while claiming that they can't get out of their contracts. Spitzer makes a very compelling case that the original AIG bail-out a case of insiders helping insiders. Definitely worth the read.

Until now, I had almost forgotten about Eliot Spitzer. He's been quietly writing a regular column for Slate since December 2008 without much acclaim, but as this article seems to indicate, it seems that he's interested in sticking his toe back into politics. It's too bad that former Governor Spitzer couldn't lay off the hookers, as he would probably be a major voice in the public debate over the bail-out right now. Considering the current governor of New York is polling lower than Spitzer was in the midst of last year's scandal, I wonder whether he's contemplating somesort of a comeback.

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