Sunday, March 29, 2009

Obama Afghanistan plan gets warm reception from GOP

President Obama released his new strategy for dealing with the deteriorating conflict in Afghanistan and Pakistan on Friday that calls for an additional 4,000 troops, raising the total to around 60,000, billions more in social spending there and a bold new plan that sounds eerily similar to Bush's "surge" plan in Iraq in 2007.
Republican Senators John Cornyn and Mitch McConnell both came forward and announced their support for the new strategy, "commending" Obama for his plan, and also for the very harsh rhetoric he used during the speech unvieling this plan that was targeted at Taliban and Al-Qaeda forces still operating in the border regions of the two countries.
This goes to show that elements of Obama's foreign policy still tilts to the right, but hasn't deviated from things that he pledged during the campaign.

***UPDATE: Wow, even National Review calls it "pretty good." That's when a Democratic president knows he's doing at least something Republicans like.

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