Friday, March 27, 2009

Laughter is the best medicine

Last Sunday when Steve Kroft called out Obama last Sunday during an interview with 60 Minutes for laughing about the state of the economy, the media was quick to remind us that the economy is a serious matter. But since then, I'm starting to think that Obama isn't the only one who might be feeling a little punch drunk. After weeks of bad news about the economy and those now infamous AIG bonuses, the news this week definitely took a turn for the silly. Whether it's pictures of conservatives wearing snuggies, Nate Silver's humorous analysis of the GOP's alternative spending plan, or NORML's quest to make legalizing marijuana the #1 issue in the country, this week's news has felt like a page straight from The Onion.

Maybe there's a point where even the media can't take the gravity of day after day of increasingly bad news, but at least their maintaining their sense of humor.

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