Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Q1: Geithner's request for more authority

Obama uses AIG as an example of why the gov't needs more regulation authority, and schools the journalist who asked the question.. Obama predicts strong support for expanding the gov't authority to regulate companies that pose systemic risk.

Q2: Chuck Todd asks a question: Why hasn't Obama asked the public to sacrifice more?
Obama attempts to blame W. for a lack of corporate accountability among the institutions that received the first round of bailout money.

Obama says "folks are sacrificing left and right" already and believes the steps the government has taken thus far will stabilize the economy.

Q3: Jake Tapper asks about the middle class tax cut that congress is trying to cut from the budget, will Obama sign the budget if his priorities are not included?

Obama responds that he expects money for healthcare, energy, and education. He waffles on the middle class tax cut, and goes off on a tangent on the cap and trade system...

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